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You have probably heard about the old 70 percent rule that suggests retirees will need …

The penny finally dropped a couple of months ago during a client conversation about the …

We’ve had a few weeks to make and break our New Year’s resolutions. Now is …

The Magic Number!

The conversation with clients about retirement income planning is much different from those conversations that …

It doesn’t take long after receiving your first paycheck to realize that all of your …

Grandma and Grandpa Santa

Is it Christmas again already? Time passes too fast when you achieve grandparent status, and …

Canadian couples rely upon Government pensions, CPP and Old Age Security (OAS) for a significant …

Get It When You Can

We’ve all read or heard about the unlucky family that is wiped out by a …

Joint Ownership Alternatives

Joint ownership is used by millions for various reasons. When problems arise, they are usually …